The Process Of Disassembling, Reassembling, And To Reset An Empty Beer Keg Equipment

Every equipment needs to be clean every now and then. If you don’t bother about cleaning the equipment, you may find a deteriorated result after some time. When we talk about beer keg equipment in Canada, Pacific Beer Equipment is one of the largest distributors. Our product DFC 9500 immediately stops the flow of the beer at the tap and the keg when the keg goes empty.
If you are using the product, you are required to clean it regularly in order to pour the beer without foam. You can use the brush or the solutions suggested by the manufacturer for its cleaning.

The Process Of Disassembling Of Beer Keg Equipment
Our product DFC 9500 is engineered to be disassembled by hand and initial loosening with an adjustable wrench or channel-lock may be necessary for the first time. Here are the easy steps:
  • Loosen and remove top cap above the float chamber.
  • Remove the “O” ring under the vent plate cap.
  • Unscrew the float chamber glass by turning counter-clockwise.
  • The float leaves off the two guideposts.
  • To disassemble the vent push down the vent button and unscrew the hex nut under the vent plate cap. It may be necessary to use small pliers to loosen this nut.
  • Stem assembly holds the vent button and spring.
Clean the individual parts as per the instructions and reassemble.

Reassembling Of Beer Keg Equipment

To reassemble the fob start with the vent plate cap instead of the vent spring into the button.
  • Place the vent button into its position on the vent cap and push down.
  • Insert the stem assembly into the vent button and tight it.
  • Thread the float chamber glass on the lower fob body.
  • Drop the fob float between the two guideposts.
  • Place the vent cap o ring into the vent cap.
  • Put the locking ring over the vent cap and tighten assembly on the top of the fob chamber.
Also, ReadNo More Waiting For Beer! Keep Your Bar On With Our Amazing Beer Equipment.

Empty Keg Reset

When a keg empties the float drops, stopping the flow of beer at the faucet immediately. When the liquid in the keg empties the keg is now filled with gas. This gas pushes the beer to the faucet if a fob is not present, the beer line will be filled with gas. This gas would have to be purged from the line in order to have clear beer pour again.
  1. Remove the empty keg and tap the new keg. Beer will fill the line from the keg to the base of the fob.
  2. To start the flow of beer again push down on the top of the vent knob. Beer will be drawn from the keg refilling in the beer lines. 
  3. This will allow the beer to fill the beer chamber and push any gas in the chamber into the vent drain line.
  4. Once the chamber is filled with beer release the vent knob.
  5. Pull the float release button on the fob. This will release the float and it will rise to the top of the chamber. Beer is now flowing again through the faucet. 
Get this amazing beer keg equipment - Now from  Pacific Beer Equipment.


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